Monday, November 17, 2014


Wanted for uncivilized behavior: this stupid woman...
My husband snapped these photos while we were out in Taidong on Saturday. What you are looking at is a woman holding her child over a sewage grate so the little girl can pee. IN FRONT OF A RESTAURANT. Which likely has a bathroom.

Yes, this is not in some remote place, far from any buildings. This is on a busy street lined with eateries. And they have bathrooms within.
Here is a better angle so you can see what this lazy woman is up to. Why do people still do this here?!? Totally nasty. As a mom, I'd absolutely have sympathy if there was no place containing a bathroom around but as you can see in these photos, that is simply not the case.

It boggles my mind that people STILL do this here. WHY?!? Please stop! Gah!!!


  1. This gave me chilling memories of my visits to China. How often grandparents or own parents lifted their kids over trashbins or just right on the street so they could do their business...

    I just don't understand why those people do this???

    1. I don't either. From that highly-publicized airplane story to things like this. On another blog...I can't remember which one...the bloggers had posted a photo of grandparents holding a baby over the garbage can to do his business - right across from public restrooms. No joke. It's so nasty and it totally needs to stop.

  2. There was an incident recently, in California I think. Chinese parents were walking around a city park with their toddler who was wearing the infamous split pants. A police officer issued them a fine for letting the toddler go on the grass. Chinese netizens were outraged, calling it a "Chinese tradition" and claiming it was racist of the cop. Just because something is a tradition doesn't mean it makes any sense. Maybe in the olden days when people lived in rural environments this practice wasn't so bad. Kids could just go behind some bushes and it would get absorbed by the land. In dense urban places, though, it's a public health disaster waiting to happen. If China wants to be more respected in the world it needs to make its people stop doing this full stop.

    1. By Chinese netizens, you must mean the Chinese people in China because no American-Chinese people would behave that way, would they? God. I hope not. A tradition? Chinese New Year is a tradition. Eating noodles on your birthday is a tradition. Publicly urinating or defecating in a clean environment is NOT a tradition. You know, my husband had posted these photos to his WeChat as well and one of his friends got angry with him because he said my husband was invading their privacy. OMG. For real. I told him he should unfriend that moron because they're obviously missing the point. Plus there are no private parts being shown. Total derpwads.
